Step On Your Electric Vehicles

09/03/2024, 9:45 pm | Anis Electric Cars
Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining popularity worldwide and in our country, the Philippines. Driven by a combination of environmental concerns, technological advancements, and government incentives, EVs are worth-considering and worth-buying.

Buy an Electric Vehicle Now or Wait? Here's How to Decide

08/08/2024, 9:36 pm | Anis Electric Cars
Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular in the Philippines. You should consider getting one with more models available and better charging options. But should you buy an EV now or wait? Here’s how to decide.

The Impact of Test Driving on Electric Vehicle Adoption

07/16/2024, 8:55 pm | Anis Electric Cars
Electric vehicles (EVs) are changing the car industry, offering a cleaner, quieter, and more eco-friendly way to travel. Even with all their benefits, many people are still unsure about switching from traditional gas-powered cars to electric ones. One of the best ways to overcome this hesitation is by test-driving an electric vehicle. Experiencing an EV in person can greatly influence a person's decision, helping them understand and appreciate the advantages of EVs.

Maximizing Your Electric Car's Charging Efficiency in the Philippines

06/09/2024, 2:38 am | Anis Electric Cars
Charging your electric car efficiently in the Philippines requires some additional considerations due to local conditions. Here's how you can optimize your charging routine specifically for the Philippines:

Driving Away Fear: Why Electric Cars Matter for Our Environment

05/18/2024, 5:36 pm | Anis Electric Cars
In today's world, we worry a lot about the environment. But there's hope! Electric cars can help us deal with these worries. Let's talk about why they're so important.